The 339th Fighter Group's base was Fowlmere, England (8 mi. SSW of Cambridge). The Group flew its first combat mission on April 30, 1944; its last on April 21, 1945. Its C.O. was Col. John B. Henry until April 14, 1945; Lt. Col. William C. Clark afterwards. The 339th ranked 1st in the 8th Air Force Fighter Command in combat efficiency for the average number of enemy aircraft destroyed per mission for both combined (air-ground)-2.488 and ground-1.604! The 339th was composed of three squadrons:
503rd 504th 505th
The 339th Fighter Group established the following records during its near year of operations:
Most enemy aircraft destroyed (air-ground) by a group in its first year of combat in the ETO-692.
Most enemy aircraft destroyed (ground) by a group in its first year of combat-453.
Most enemy aircraft destroyed (ground) by a group in one month (April 1945)-315.
Most enemy aircraft destroyed (ground) by a group in one week (April 10-16, 1945)-223.
Most enemy aircraft destroyed (air-ground) in 3 successive assaults (April 10,16,17, 1945)-291.
Most enemy aircraft destroyed (ground) in 3 successive strafing missions (April 10,16,17,1945)-290.
First group to destroy 100+ enemy aircraft on single mission (April 10, 1945)-105.
First group to destroy 100+ enemy aircraft in two missions (April 10 & 16, 1945)-105/118.
(source of information: "First Combat Anniversary" bulletin, April 30, 1945.)